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Wednesday 14 September 2011

Don't you dare to give up the fight

No mountain's too high for you to climb
All you have to do is have some climbing faith
No river's too wide for you to make it across
All you have to do is believe it when you pray

 I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I hear your voices when you call me

dengan wajah yg pucat & x bermaya
bersyukur sebab hari ni saya masih bole post something..

that is why i have to.....
percaya dgn takdir Allah
dan bdoa di samping b'usaha n trus b'usaha~
terus berfikiran positif & b'usaha untuk sihat
doakan saya ^^ 
begitu juga dengan kawan2 yg lain samada kenal o x
dpt baca post ne atau x
mari kita sama2 doakan kesihatan & setiap perkara yang baik
untuk kawan2 kita

terima kasih semua~ 


Run Away said...

sama2...semuga sume nyer akan happy selalu,,,;d

Faeza Dot Me said...

trima kasih...aminn~

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